4-Year-Old Child Development Milestones (2024)

Parenting a 4-year-old can be a wonderful, exciting experience. Yes, your child may still be a handful at times (this is common!), but they are growing in leaps and bounds. Four-year-olds are creative, thoughtful little people. Get ready for the stage when imaginative play is all the rage, and you can begin to have fuller, fascinating conversations with your kiddo. Your 4-year-old’s fine motor skills are becoming more refined by the day and they’ll soon be expert climbers, jumpers, and runners.

Learn more about what to expect when it comes to 4-year-old growth and development, and what warning signs might warrant a call to your pediatrician.

8 Ideas to Encourage Pretend Play

4-Year-Old Child Development Milestones (1)

4-Year-Old Language and Cognitive Milestones

Your preschooler is turning into quite the chatterbox at this age. By 4 years old, your child should be able to speak in complete sentences, answer simple questions, and have back-and-forth conversations, says Eric Ball, MD, a pediatrician at Providence Mission Hospital in Orange County, California. “Almost all of what they say should be intelligible to a stranger,” Dr. Ball advises.

Additionally, your child should be able to follow multi-step commands with three or more steps, says Dr. Ball. For example, after being given instructions, your 4-year-old should be able to pick up a toy from the floor, put it away in a toy basket, and then come back to sit on your lap to read a book.

Your child’s cognitive skills are developing quickly at this age too, says Brittany Ferri, PhD, OTR/L, CPRP, an occupational therapist. “Kids at this age should be able to count, identify colors, shapes, numbers, and letters, as well as use pronouns appropriately,” she says. They should also be able to draw a person with at least three body parts.

At 4 years old, children are inquisitive and love to digest new information. You’ll be amazed at how much your child can comprehend. If you tell or read them a story, they should be able to recall large parts of it. Not only that, but 4-year-olds are great at making up their own stories. Their imaginations are really taking off at this age.

"Four-year-olds can understand most of what is going on in the world,” says Dr. Ball. “They are learning the difference between 'real' and 'pretend' and they often are developing vivid imaginations (think fairy tales and monsters).”

Language and Cognitive Checklist

  • Your child is starting to be able to grasp how time works.
  • They should know how to say their first and last name.
  • Most 4-year-olds can memorize and recite some words or phrases from children’s songs and poems.
  • Children this age can make predictions about what will happen next in a story or book.
  • Your child should speak in simple sentences of about five words and know about 1000 to 2000 words.

Kids and Curiosity

4-Year-Old Movement, Hand, and Finger Milestones

Your 4-year-old isn’t just getting taller, but their fine and gross motor skills are getting more mature as well. By now, you should be able to play basic outside games with your child, like catch and kickball. Art projects and board games will be favorite activities.

In terms of physical growth, 4-year-olds weigh an average of 40 pounds and are about 40 inches tall. They are twice as tall as they were when they were born! Your child is gaining weight at the rate of about a quarter of an ounce per day. All this growth requires healthy eating habits and good sleep: you can expect your child to still need about 11 to 13 hours of sleep each night.

Your child is becoming stronger and more agile each day. “Children at this age can run and jump well, can often balance on one foot and walk backward,” says Dr. Ball. Many kids this age are starting to ride bikes or scooters, Dr. Ball says. If you take your child out to play ball, they should be able to throw the ball overhead and kick a ball around with you, he adds.

You’ll be wowed by your child’s emerging fine motor skills as well. “Kids at this age can use scissors, manage a writing utensil mostly independently, and use eating utensils,” Ferri says.

Your child will also be able to play cards, child-friendly board games, and may start to be able to put together a puzzle. Your 4-year-old may become a budding artist as well: they might be able to draw simple pictures and start to be able to form letters.

Physical Milestone Checklist

  • Your child should be able to skip, climb, and jump.
  • They may be able to do a somersault and to stand on one foot for 10 or more seconds.
  • Most 4-year-olds are able to get dressed and undressed without help and are learning how to brush their teeth.
  • Your child is learning how to pour without too much spilling and can mash food.
  • They are likely potty trained, but may still wet the bed.

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4-Year-Old Emotional and Social Milestones

Four-year-olds are starting to have more opinions and beliefs, and they are starting to be more in touch with the world around them. Although 4-year-olds may seem much more mature than they were just a few months ago, they may still be moody and prone to meltdowns.

“It is still normal at this age for children to have some difficulty regulating their emotions, and temper tantrums are still relatively common,” says Dr. Ball. He says kids this age thrive on routine, and that setting a predictable daily structure can help them stay grounded.

Socially, 4-year-olds are learning a lot about making friends. They will start to be able to form real bonds with their peers, and are getting better at cooperating and being mindful of the emotions of others. These are skills that will carry over well as they begin school.

Kids this age will likely have a few imaginary friends, too. Their imaginations are growing exponentially at this age, and the much of their play is extremely creative. “They should be doing a lot of pretend play at this age, working off their imaginations,” says Dr. Ball.

Social and Emotional Checklist

  • At 4, your child will likely comfort others who are hurt or sad.
  • They are learning to avoid danger and will take fewer risks.
  • They like to be helpful.
  • They are able to change their behavior based on where they are (such as a library or a playground).

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Other Milestones for Your 4-Year-Old

At this age, your child will become more aware of their sexuality. This can catch parents off-guard, but it’s completely normal.

Keep in mind that you will be more uncomfortable talking about sex than your 4-year-old is. Try to use matter-of-fact language. Use the correct terms for genitals ("penis" and "vagin*") rather than euphemisms. You may notice your child exploring their body at this age. It’s important not to shame them, although you can teach them not to touch themselves in public.

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How to Help Your 4-Year-Old Learn and Grow

As the parent of a 4-year-old, you may have questions about what your role is in terms of helping your child develop properly, providing age-appropriate discipline and boundaries, and ensuring that your child stays safe.

There are many things you can do to help your child blossom and grow. Engaging in conversation with them whenever possible, reading to them, and supporting their interests are simple steps you can take. This is the age when your child will have a million questions. Answering their questions, and supplementing their queries with educational materials (books, appropriate media, activities) is a great idea, too.

You will want to create a structure for your child at this age and enforce positive discipline techniques. Four-year-olds are able to understand rules and social customs, but remember that they are still learning, so it’s normal if they need guidance along the way.

You can start teaching your child to do basic chores, such as setting and clearing the table. It can be helpful to have routines around your day-to-day life so that your child knows what to expect. This helps your child regulate their emotions as well. At this age, you will want to enforce screen time rules and ensure that your child gets plenty of physical activity.

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How to Keep Your 4-Year-Old Safe

Your 4-year-old will seem much more independent and able than they used to, but they are still just a little kid and will need adult supervision and guidance for most of their activities. You can give your child guidance about things like the safe use of scissors, and how to perform activities like catch or kickball without hurting themselves or others.

Soon after your child turns 4, they will have a well-child visit at the doctor. Kids between the ages of 4 and 6 will get several immunizations, which may include the DTaP vaccine, the MMR vaccine, the IPV vaccine (polio), and the varicella vaccine. Your child may also be offered a flu shot.

Your pediatrician will discuss your child’s growth and development, and go over important safety tips such as wearing a helmet while riding a bike, using a harnessed car seat, using sunscreen, and the importance of supervising your child diligently near water and streets.

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When to Be Concerned About Your 4-Year-Old

All children grow at their own pace and in their own way, but there are certain signs that your child may be experiencing a developmental delay.

“I worry at this age if children are not playing cooperatively or have a hard time interacting with their peers or other children,” says Dr. Ball. “I am concerned when children's speech at this age is unintelligible or if they have a hard time following directions or understanding commands.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists some “red flags” when it comes to growth and development. In terms of motor skills, if your child can’t jump or has trouble writing or scribbling, you should bring this up with your pediatrician. Other concerns include children who can’t dress themselves at all, aren’t able to use a potty, or are not able to answer simple questions.

Lacking social skills that may prompt a call to your pediatrician include not being interested in pretend play or playing with others, and not socializing with people outside of the immediate family. If you or others can’t understand your child when they speak, if they aren’t using pronouns correctly, or if they don’t seem able to recall stories that were told to them, reach out to your pediatrician.

Finally, if your child’s skills have regressed in some way, the CDC advises that this is a warning sign that something may be wrong.

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A Word From Verywell

Some will tell you that after you leave the toddler years, you will have a much more easygoing and cooperative child. While it’s true that 4-year-olds are usually more reasonable than 2- or 3-year-olds, they are still young children, and can be difficult to parent at times. In certain ways, they are even more willful than when they were younger, and their verbal skills make them more able to argue about even the littlest thing.

So if you are finding parenting your 4-year-old challenging, you are far from alone. Thankfully, there is usually enough joy and wonder at this age to outweigh the hard stuff. But you should know that you’ve done nothing wrong as a parent if you still have tough days with your 4-year-old every now and then.

Your 5-Year-Old's Development

4-Year-Old Child Development Milestones (2024)


4-Year-Old Child Development Milestones? ›

Feelings and behaviour

At this age, preschoolers are exploring and learning to express emotions. They do this in many ways – for example, by talking, using gestures, making noises and playing. Preschoolers also like to be around people. Your child might want to please and be like preschool-age friends.

What is normal behavior for a 4 year old? ›

Feelings and behaviour

At this age, preschoolers are exploring and learning to express emotions. They do this in many ways – for example, by talking, using gestures, making noises and playing. Preschoolers also like to be around people. Your child might want to please and be like preschool-age friends.

What is cognitive development at 4 years old? ›

Thinking and reasoning (cognitive development)

Can say their first and last names. Understand the concept of counting. They may know some numbers. Better understand concepts of time.

What should a 4 year old be able to do physically? ›

Physical Milestone Checklist
  • Your child should be able to skip, climb, and jump. ...
  • They may be able to do a somersault and to stand on one foot for 10 or more seconds.
  • Most 4-year-olds are able to get dressed and undressed without help and are learning how to brush their teeth.
Mar 15, 2022

How high can a 4 year old count? ›

The average 4-year-old can count up to ten, although he may not get the numbers in the right order every time. One big hang-up in going higher? Those pesky numbers like 11 and 20. The irregularity of their names doesn't make much sense to a preschooler.

Should a 4 year old be able to write their name? ›

Around age 4 (sometimes earlier, sometimes later) is when most children exemplify that they have the interest and fine motor skills necessary to learn to write their name.

What does ADHD look like in 4 year old? ›

ADHD in children between 4 and 6 years of age typically looks like persistent and debilitating inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity. Behavioral therapy is the first treatment option the AAP recommends for children in this age group, followed by medication.

How do you discipline a 4 year old who doesn't listen? ›

These include:
  1. Show and tell. Teach children right from wrong with calm words and actions. ...
  2. Set limits. Have clear and consistent rules your children can follow. ...
  3. Give consequences. ...
  4. Hear them out. ...
  5. Give them your attention. ...
  6. Catch them being good. ...
  7. Know when not to respond. ...
  8. Be prepared for trouble.
Nov 5, 2018

How many colors should a 4 year old know? ›

Correctly name at least four colors and three shapes. Recognize some letters and possibly write their name. Better understand the concept of time and the order of daily activities, like breakfast in the morning, lunch in the afternoon, and dinner at night.

What gross motor skills should a 4 year old have? ›

Four-Five Years Old
  • Runs around obstacles.
  • Walks on a line.
  • Balances on one foot.
  • Uses slide independently.
  • Throws ball overhead, catches a bounce ball.
  • Walks toe-heel.
  • Jumps forward ten times without falling.
  • Gallops or skips.

What academics should a 4 year old know? ›

Here's What Your Child Should Know by Age 4
  • Understands the idea of what a word is in print — and that words and sentences are read from left to right.
  • Holds a book correctly and turns pages front to back.
  • Has memorized some favorite books and can recite them along with you.

Should a 4 year old know the alphabet? ›

Around age 3: Kids may recognize about half the letters in the alphabet and start to connect letters to their sounds. (Like s makes the /s/ sound.) Around age 4: Kids often know all the letters of the alphabet and their correct order. Around kindergarten: Most kids can match each letter to the sound it makes.

What is not normal behavior for a 4 year old? ›

What Are the Behaviour Problems Commonly Seen in 4 Year Old Kids? Not doing their homework. Not listening to parents/peers and unwilling to cooperate. Throwing temper tantrums.

What time should a 4 year old go to sleep? ›

Four-year-olds should ideally get between 10-and 13 hours of sleep, including naps. If your child has dropped the nap, aim for a 6 pm -8 pm bedtime. If your child still naps, you can move the rest closer to 8 pm. Make sure you've set up a bedtime routine for your child.

Should my 4 year old be reading? ›

Around the ages of four and five, your child is likely to start developing some basic reading skills, such as phonemic awareness, and may even know some sight words. At this stage, your child may also know how to spell his or her name and recognize the letters of the alphabet.

What is the vocabulary of a 4 year old? ›

The typical 4-year-old: Has a vocabulary of more than 1,000 words. Easily puts together sentences of 4 or 5 words.

What math should a 4 year old know? ›

4 Years: As your kids enter preschool, their grasp of number skills will likely show another leap forward. During this year, your kids will learn more simple addition and subtraction problems (like 2+2 or 4-3) with the help of a visual aid, and be able to recognize and name one-digit numbers when they see them.

Should a 4 year old be able to wipe themselves? ›

Each child starts their potty training process & toilet training at different ages and that's the same with wiping their own bottom. For some children, this may happen as early as 3-4 years old and for others, they may not be physically or mentally ready until 5+ years old.

Should a 4 year old speak clearly? ›

Their sentences include 4 or more words, and their vocabulary continues to grow. Speech should be completely understandable, although there may still be some developmental sound errors (like lisping) and stuttering, particularly among boys.

What grade should a 4 year old be in? ›

School Grade Placement
Kindergarten 1 (KG1)Age 4 – 5Sept 2017 – Aug 2018
Kindergarten 2 (KG2)Age 5 – 6Sept 2016 – Aug 2017
Grade 1Age 6 – 7Sept 2015 – Aug 2016
Grade 2Age 7 – 8Sept 2014 – Aug 2015
13 more rows

What are the three key signs that behavior is abnormal 4? ›

Psychologists often classify behavior as abnormal using 4 D's: deviance, distress, dysfunction, and danger.

What is the personality of a 4 year old? ›

Four-year-olds are creative, curious and increasingly independent. Their pretend play is more complex and imaginative, and they love to show off what they can do. As their language skills grow, so does their ability to solve problems and regulate their emotions.

How do I know if my 4 year old has ADD or ADHD? ›

Difficulty paying attention

Several behaviors can indicate your child has difficulty with attention, a key sign of ADHD. In school aged children, symptoms of inattention may look like: difficulty with sustaining attention, in play or completing work. difficulty listening and following directions.

What are 3 signs of ADHD? ›

Symptoms in children and teenagers
  • having a short attention span and being easily distracted.
  • making careless mistakes – for example, in schoolwork.
  • appearing forgetful or losing things.
  • being unable to stick to tasks that are tedious or time-consuming.
  • appearing to be unable to listen to or carry out instructions.

What are 5 signs a child may have ADHD? ›

Main key symptoms of ADHD in young children
  • Listening difficulties.
  • Not following instructions.
  • Making careless mistakes.
  • Highly distractible.
  • Day dreaming.
  • Forgetting/Losing things.
  • Not finishing tasks.
  • Easily bored.

How do you handle a disrespectful 4 year old? ›

How to deal with an angry, disrespectful child
  1. Do not become angry. ...
  2. Make sure everyone is safe. ...
  3. Do not punish. ...
  4. Acknowledge your child's anger. ...
  5. Ask questions to understand the source of anger. ...
  6. Offer help. ...
  7. Teach emotional regulation skills. ...
  8. Teach how to express objections respectfully.
May 16, 2023

What causes a 4 year old to be defiant? ›

They're eager to have control and be independent, which often results in defiance. Even older toddlers are driven by needs, wants, and impulses – and not logic like adults. A toddler's defiance may be frustrating, but it's more than likely developmentally appropriate, and is best handled as calmly as possible.

Why is my 4 year old so difficult? ›

Due to everything going on in the brain at this time, four-year-olds are inherently stressed due to being on high alert. Many parents scoff at the idea that a four-year-old has anything to be stressed about, but at this age, anything can be a stressor.

Should a child still scribble at 4? ›

Scribbling becomes a concern around 3-4 years of age when a child should be able to imitate certain pre-writing strokes (vertical line, horizontal line, circle, cross, X). There is a difference in copying vs imitation. Imitation means the child watches the shape being formed, and will try to do what they just saw.

How much should a 4 year old weigh? ›

An average 4-year-old weighs about 40 pounds and is about 40 inches tall. Preschoolers are still developing and refining their gross motor skills (using their arms and legs to move and play), as well as their fine motor skills (working on arts and crafts and puzzles).

How do you know if your 4 year old is gifted? ›

Signs of Giftedness in Children Include:

an insatiable curiosity, as demonstrated by endless questions and inquiries. ability to comprehend material several grade levels above their age peers. surprising emotional depth and sensitivity at a young age. enthusiastic about unique interests and topics.

What are poor motor skills examples? ›

Difficulties are manifested as clumsiness (e.g., dropping or bumping into objects) as well as slowness and inaccuracy of performance of motor skills (e.g., catching an object, using scissors or cutlery, handwriting, riding a bike, or participating in sports).

What are 5 fine motor skills a preschooler can do? ›

Examples Of Fine Motor Skills For Preschoolers & Toddlers
  • Cutting with scissors.
  • Holding and using a pencil.
  • Color, scribble, or draw with markers, crayons, or chalk.
  • Playdough manipulation.
  • Snapping together blocks.
  • Stacking blocks, small cups, buttons, wooden spools.
  • Building with small blocks.
Jul 26, 2020

What should a 4 year old know socially? ›

Your child is learning to understand about other people's feelings and needs. They can feel empathy for others, and can share toys and take turns, at least some of the time. They may sometimes feel jealous of your relationships with other people, such as your partner.

What should a 4 year old know intellectually? ›

Thinking - Cognitive Development
  • Copies simple shapes.
  • Understands the concepts of “same” and “different.”
  • Follows instructions with two or three steps.
  • Understands the concept of counting and may know numbers.
  • Draws a person with two to four body parts.
  • Begins to understand time.
  • Knows basic colors.
  • Uses scissors.

What best predicts a 4 5 year old child becoming a better reader? ›

Research has shown that phonemic awareness is the best predictor of early reading skills. Phonemes, the smallest units of sounds, form syllables, and words are made up of syllables. Children who understand that spoken language is made up of discrete sounds – phonemes and syllables – find it easier to learn to read.

What is Hyperlexia? ›

Hyperlexia is advanced and unexpected reading skills and abilities in children way beyond their chronological age. It is a fairly recently named condition (1967) although earlier descriptions of precocious reading do exist.

What should a 4 year olds writing look like? ›

Preschoolers start "writing" by scribbling and drawing letter-like shapes in a large circular motion. Often, a young child's first letters are drawn by accident and then identified by the child or parent.

What age should kids know colors? ›

Most toddlers begin identifying primary colors at the age of 2 years old. But, naming shapes is a type of skill that might take a little longer to develop for some kids. Generally, at the age of 3, many children can already identify some of the more advanced shapes.

What are 4 behavioral disorders in children? ›

Other exacerbating factors can include emotional problems, mood disorders, family difficulties and substance abuse.
  • Oppositional defiant disorder. ...
  • Conduct disorder. ...
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ...
  • Risk factors in children's behavioural disorders. ...
  • Diagnosis of children's behavioural disorders.

At what age do kids stop napping? ›

If Your Child Is Around About 5 Years Old, They Can Probably Skip A Nap. There's no exact age that your toddler will stop napping: it's generally between ages 3 and 5, but for some kids, it could be as young as 2 (especially if they have older siblings running around and not napping).

What age should a child put themselves to bed? ›

Experts generally recommend around the age of 3 is when children are capable of self-soothing and can move to independent sleeping.

How long of a nap should a 4 year old take? ›

According to the National Sleep Foundation, children aged 3-5 need about 11 to 13 hours of sleep every night. In addition, many preschoolers nap during the day, with naps ranging between one and two hours per day. Children often stop napping after five years of age.

What number skills should a 4 year old have? ›

4 Years: As your kids enter preschool, their grasp of number skills will likely show another leap forward. During this year, your kids will learn more simple addition and subtraction problems (like 2+2 or 4-3) with the help of a visual aid, and be able to recognize and name one-digit numbers when they see them.

Should a 4 year old be able to read? ›

Around the ages of four and five, your child is likely to start developing some basic reading skills, such as phonemic awareness, and may even know some sight words. At this stage, your child may also know how to spell his or her name and recognize the letters of the alphabet.

What are sight words for 4 year olds? ›

What are some of the Preschool Sight Words? Some of the preschool sight words are please, can, could, would, should, must, shall, what, I, am, me, from, for, to, here, there, come, up, down, go, small, big, huge, what, done, did, etc.

What should my child be saying at 4? ›

By 4 years old, most children can: say sentences with 4 or more words. repeat words from a song or story. talk about at least one thing that happened during the day.

Why is 4 such a hard age? ›

If you study charts of the brain in growing children, you'll see there's a rapid period of growth in the amygdala, right around four years of age. There's a huge amount of activity going on in this one area of the brain at this time. The brain is growing neurons and synapses almost too quickly for it to keep up.

When should kids be potty trained? ›

Potty training success hinges on physical, developmental and behavioral milestones, not age. Many children show signs of being ready for potty training between ages 18 and 24 months. However, others might not be ready until they're 3 years old. There's no rush.


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